A broad sample of human beings over the age of 40 would reveal a vanishingly small number of active karateka. And if this slightly creaking group were analysed, it is certain you would find most of them to be capable, decent, healthy, robust human beings.
I have a sense of this every Tuesday and Thursday morning when I step onto the wood and join my fellow Bullets for yet another training session. We have the enormous pleasure and privilege of close learning from Sensei Bruce and Sensei Brad. We have been together for a long time, and as time goes by, this merry Band of Brothers and Sisters is maturing like a fine vintage wine. Our physical abilities may be waning, but our spirit and mental acuity and enjoyment is immense. We keep each other young-at-heart, helped in no small measure by the presence of a few Pellets (honorary Bullets under the age of 40). All one has to do to qualify is to be present, be receptive, be willing to take some strain for some gain, be resilient, work hard, be brave, share, care, be aware, be respectful, be truthful, be confident, be humble, be at ease, do the right thing.
One of us is about to turn 70 – what an inspiration, and what an endorsement of the value of our Karate. Choosing the martial arts path is not a flippant decision – and it is certainly not the easy route. Yet we have voluntarily endured bruised ribs, bleeding knuckles, aching muscles, gasping for breath, early mornings, late nights.
Because Karate is a journey of exploration of self and sharing that with the Bullets makes the journey so much richer and more enjoyable.
Harold (Doc) Amaler | 3rd Dan Black Belt | KSI